Friday, April 25, 2014

Oh How the Years (I mean weeks) Go By

Can you hear me singing that oldie Michelle Williams song?? I know its been WEEKS since my last post (yet again), but I've caught spring fever along with the rest of my students! With my time at the high school coming to a close, I've been in a mad rush to accomplish everything.

To try and ease the "culture shock" of me leaving, I begun to slowly give classes back to my cooperating teaches. Yes, we're still both there, but I'm doing less of the actual instruction during class. 

In Spanish I we're just finishing up our foods unit (finally!) and have moved on to reading a Spanish chapter book and watching a BBC video series called Mi Vida Loca. Definitely check it out- all episodes are available online for free, and its a great way to learn Spanish authentically. English 10 has long since moved out of our Tolerance unit and into a unit on poetry. We've been going through verse, rhyme, and meter (iambic, trochaic, etc.) and the students actually had to create their own limerick today! Sometimes even the simplest things can be fun with the right attitude! In Honors 10 we've finished up our grammar unit on subject-verb agreement and pronouns, and we're now discussing Animal Farm which the students read independently and took their plot test over on Tuesday. Starting next week they'll be presenting their allegory projects, which I'm so looking forward to! 

As I transition back into watching more and teaching less, my eyes are opened to the progress I've made as a teacher. I remember the beginning of the semester being a little nervous to laugh at myself, and now that usually the most fun I have with my students!! It is mind-boggling to think that only a few short months have changed and grown me in such wonderful ways :)

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