Saturday, June 20, 2015

Summer Update

Hello friends and family! I can hardly believe that we're more than halfway done with June already!

I spent 3 days a week nannying for a cute little 15 month old girl, Cecelia. Her parents moved here from Washington DC back in February, and they live in a cute little house near McKennan Park in Sioux Falls. This is a great location because McKennan park has a little wading pool and Storyland Theatre, both of which Cecelia loves!

My original summer plan was to use my 2 days off a week to go into school and work, but that has not been the case so far... Some of my regular babysitting families have passed along my info to their friends. This is very flattering for me :) On the other hand, that means my evenings and "days off" have turned into work!

As we near the end of June, I only have curriculum planned for the first 8 weeks of school. I need to step up my game! Which will unfortunately mean turning down some extra hours (and extra money).

On a brighter note, my school finally booked my trip for July! I'm attending the Josten's Adviser University conference in Kissimmee, Florida! Woohoo! For those of you that don't want to google the location, its about 10 minutes from DisneyWorld! :) I'm excited to have a little fun while learning a ton!

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