Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekend Update

So much to share, and so little time! Yet again, my days are speeding by (I mean, it's nearly March already)!

On Friday last week I had one of those heart-warming, you-know-you're-meant-to-be-a-teacher moments in one of my English 10 classes. I was in the middle of explaining a particular point and one boy raised his hand. Here's a paraphrase of our conversation:

     Me: Did I say something confusing that needs more clarification?
     Student: No, I just have something I wanted to share.
     Me: Okay, is it related to what we're talking about?
     Student: Yeah, kind of.
     Me: Alright, let's hear it then!
     Student: Well, last night I was talking to my friend about this book because he's read it before too. ***insert amazement that my students are not only reading, but TALKING TO OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT LITERATURE*** He told me that people are still searching for SS officers and arresting them today. I didn't believe him, so we got on the computer and looked it up. I found a bunch of articles about people arresting 80 and 90 year old men who used to be SS officers and have been in hiding. Just the other day an 88 year old and a 92 year old were found and sent to prison!
     Me: ***trying to quell the happy dance going on in my heart and head*** Wow, (student), thank you so much for sharing that information- I had no idea! (to the whole class) Can you raise your hands if you knew about this? (Student), that was a great point to share- most of your classmates, and myself had no idea!

HEART WARMING TO THE MAX, RIGHT? It took all my composure to not jump up and down in excitement that I'm really connecting with my students. The fact that this student felt comfortable enough to not only chat with his friend about the book, but then to ask me if he could share with me and all of his peers speaks bounds! I feel so blessed that what I've been working to do is manifesting.

On Sunday I drove up to Brookings for SDSU classes on Monday. This meme pretty much sums up my experience, haha!

My time spent at the high school actually teaching has been more informative and helpful than any of the classes I've taken in my teacher education program. It doesn't seem like that crazy of a concept that actual practice is more authentic than theory. I find it quite ironic that all of my education classes preach about creating authentic learning experiences for my future students, but they don't allow us an authentic learning experience until the last semester of college...

I'm back in the high school today, and it feels great! My cooperating teacher said that yesterday one of my English 10 students asked where I was, when I'd be back, and if I would have to leave again! What a precious moment! :) Before school today I had one of my Honors 10 students come in and ask for help with A Tale of Two Cities, which always makes me feel appreciated. In one of my Spanish classes a boy (who I also have in Honors 10 in the afternoon) asked how my SDSU classes were and if I have to go back for "a lot more for those". WEEEEEEE!! (for those of you that don't know me, I tend to make noises when I'm excited)

These students have already impacted my life and my teaching so much, and I can't believe how quickly the time is going! At this rate, the end of the semester will be here before I know it, and I already know how much I'm going to miss them all! (sappy moment, I know)

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