Wednesday, February 19, 2014

University Observation- eeek!

Part of my student teaching experience involves having a delegate from SDSU come and observe me teach a couple of times through the semester. The purpose of this is two-fold: to ascertain how my student teaching experience is going and to provide suggestions and ideas for improvement.

How am I doing?!

My university supervisor is actually a former band teacher, so it is very helpful because he focuses exclusively on my teaching style instead of the content (English). He came and watched me teach two sections of English 10. I've been teaching the Night unit now for almost a week, so my students and I are feeling more comfortable with each other. I finally know all of their names!!! Trust me, this is quite the feat with 164 students every day! :) These two classes had me the most worried when I was first observing at the beginning of the semester- they had low participation and many students that need modifications/accommodations.

Since these English 10 classes are the first ones I started to take over, I feel like I have the best rapport with them. I'm not sure how to describe myself as a teacher... Very much like I am regularly for those of you who know me, but also more animated. I do my absolute best to give students choices- even little ones, and it really does make all the difference! (Totally Love & Logic for those other teachers out there). When we go over study guide questions (basic comprehension to see if they're reading), I always ask for volunteers to read both the questions and the answers. This way even if someone doesn't feel comfortable reading their answers, they can still participate. When I'm lacking volunteers, I get a little extra animated, "Gosh I just loving hearing from (insert volunteers names here), but I'd really love to hear from (insert name of student who isn't participating). Will you please read (question whatever) for me?" My cooperating teacher says that the students always read for me because I'm too nice for them to say no! :) I'll take that any day!!

My university supervisor had wonderful things to say about my lesson (thank goodness)! He told me that I don't look or act like a student teacher; I look and act like a teacher with a couple years under my belt! It was so rewarding to hear that all my hard work is paying off- I've been putting so many hours into writing and designing all these engaging lessons for my students. In all honesty, I was a tad nervous that my students would riot on me since someone new was in the classroom... Surprisingly, only a few even asked why he was there! To those who did ask, I said that he was my university supervisor and here to watch me teach. I do have some students who like to humor me, and won't participate unless I ask them to- they get these little smiles on their faces when I do call on them, and it just warms my heart! :)

After such a successful first observation/evaluation, I'm feeling especially empowered as a teacher! My students are learning and growing and it's so rewarding to watch them and see their progress :)

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