Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thank You

Where do I even begin? This post has been in the works for a couple of weeks now as I try and compile my farewell thoughts to my student teaching experience. I publish the post as I leave for school on my last day, because I'm sure when the day comes to and end, I'll be much too emotional to do so.

Thank you...

To my school district and administrators: Thank you for taking a chance on me after that brief interview so many months ago! During my time here, I have been welcomed by all and truly feel like a staff member and colleague. I feel the support and respect from the principals and counselors alike as I've come to them with struggles and successes throughout the semester.

To the high school staff: Thank you for treating me not as a student teacher, but rather a fully-fledged one. Never was I spoken down to or addressed as a novice, for which I cannot begin to express my gratitude. Each and every staff member I met genuinely wanted to get to know me and how my experience was progressing. Whenever I needed help, I knew that any staff member would be more than willing to help me (quite evident with the numerous battles between myself and the copier).

To my cooperating teachers: Thank you , thank you, THANK YOU. I lack the words to adequately say how much you have both impacted me as a teacher and as a person. I absolutely understand why seasoned teachers are hesitant to take on a student teacher, and I'm so thankful that you are both brave enough to do so! Throughout the course of the semester, you've supported me and allowed me to struggle and flourish. I've learned about motivation, apathy, lesson planning, technology (or lack there of), student engagement, grading, and so much more. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and challenges with me; I'm a better teacher and person for my time with both of you this semester!

To my students: Possibly my biggest and deepest thank you goes out to you. Thank you for trudging along through the beginning as I struggled to find my footing. Thank you for laughing with (or at) me when I made the most foolish of mistakes. Thank you for telling me when I was making sense, and when I was babbling like a looney. Thank you for letting me push your boundaries and encourage you to work harder. Thank you for looking at me blankly so I knew to go back and try again. Thank you for treating me as you would any other teacher- both the good and the bad! Most of all, thank you for sharing this semester with me and teaching me more than I could have possibly taught you :)

Today will be difficult for many reasons. I've always been a sentimental person, and this day full of farewells will be no exception. I look forward to staying in contact with many of my students as the years continue to pass. Thank you, my reader, for following this blessed journey with me.

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