Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Time Management?

I've come to realize that the number one problem I have is time management! Now don't get me wrong, I am a notorious over-planner and type-A person, but the hectic life of a teacher never really hit me until I was living it! I apologize for my lengthy absence.

Where oh where to even begin?! The beginning of 4th quarter has brought it's own battles. With only a month left of my student teaching, I'm beginning to panic. Not full-blown panic attacks or anything, but that nagging, worrisome feeling that I just don't have enough time to cover everything that needs to be covered. Though my last day is April 30th, my students still have a couple of weeks left after that.

My English 10 students have been working through a short stories unit centered around the theme of tolerance. We've read The Interlopers, The Doll's House, The Possibility of Evil, Montgomery Boycott, MLK Jr's Eulogy, Dyaspora, Farewell to Manzanar, and many more. We're actually trying something new tomorrow for this test- partners! We purposely made the test a little more challenging with thought-provoking questions to stimulate discussion among the students. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out! I have partnered all the students in either pairs or groups of three based on ability level, so hopefully no one feels like their partner can just slide by without doing any work. I'll (attempt) to keep you posted on how this works out!

In Spanish I we've been working on IR verbs and beginning to introduce stem-changers (UGH). I don't remember how difficult it was when I originally learned these things, but from the struggle I'm encountering, its clearly a difficult topic. In addition to conjugating verbs, we're also learning TONS of food words!!! While this is super fun, I am absolutely starving after first and third periods when we go over all these words! ;)

Honors 10 students just finished up Frankenstein last week and took their tests on Monday when I was back on campus for SDSU classes. I've also assigned my first essay to these kids, and I'm nerdily excited to finally get them next week!!! In the meantime, the students are independently reading George Orwell's Animal Farm and we're touching on grammar (subject/verb agreement and pronouns).

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