Thursday, May 8, 2014

Last Day of Student Teaching

Even though it's been a week since my last day of student teaching, I want to make sure I share all the fun that was had! I arrived at school with all my owl treats and my cooperating teachers' canvases, and little did I know, they'd planned a fun-filled day for me!

In my Spanish classes we played an idiom game (the idioms were in Spanish, and the kids had to translate them and explain what they meant). I had a wonderful Spanish student (who I also have in English 10) that brought me gluten free Egypt cupcakes!! Talk about a beautiful gift!!

Egyptian flag, Egyptian eye, and a little B for Miss Bryant

Adorable note from a Spanish student

Present from one of my cooperating teachers
In my English classes we went through my grammar funnies PowerPoint and spent time looking at and talking about quotes. I had a tough time saying my thank you's to these kids that I've been teaching since the very beginning. 

After lunch, I was blown away by the outpouring of love from my Honors students!!! In both classes my kids surprised me with cards and games and food (gluten free!) and books filled with personal notes! Both classes went in together and gave me a guillotine necklace (ask me for the nerdy yet adorable backstory in person)!!! One class even had a piñata! :)

Om nom nom!

Delicious gluten free cupcakes from my cooperating teacher

Spelling mistake purposeful...

Because without fail, I'm always asked if I'm relate to Kobe Bryant...

Actually love my students though!

A poem and wonderful notes :)

My cooperating teacher (bless her soul) knows how sentimental I am. She cleverly commandeered my A Tale of Two Cities and Frankenstein book and my students put money and personal notes all over them!!!!!

The infamous guillotine necklace (that I now wear all the time)

A handmade owl necklace from one student

Honors English 10, 7th period

Honors English 10, 8th period
What a blessing my student teaching experience has been! I've grown infinitely more than I though possible, and I am proud to say that I have relationships with students that I know will last a lifetime! Here's to making a difference! *raises a toast glass and smile*

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