Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Beginning of the End

After a couple days off at home (running errands and making phone calls galore), I headed back to SDSU for my last couple days of classes. Monday was a regular class day where my professors each had their respective time with us. More than anything, this was just a time for us to hand in our final papers, but it was fun to chat all day and catch up with my peers!

On Monday night, my favorite professor had an English teacher get together at a local restaurant. We ended up spending over three hours chatting about all things education, from our own classes to the education of our students!!! What a blessing to have such a wonderful community to share and brainstorm with! After that, I had a fun night out and about with friends and fellow student teachers. We laughed and talked about our futures, and even played a little pool!

Pool at Skinner's!

Yes, we won!
Tuesday was all housekeeping- group exit interview with the department head, diversity survey's, evaluations of our cooperating teachers and our university supervisors, etc. After a long morning of paperwork, our only assignment for the afternoon was to compile our final presentations. Thankfully my group has been meticulous at our lunch bunch sessions each month, so basically all we had to do was convert our notes into a PowerPoint and decide who was going to say what! After a short meeting, I headed back to my friend Judy's apartment and promptly fell asleep for nearly four hours! Completely unintended, but absolutely wonderful! We had a low-key night of grilling and bowling, which made for a nice break and then ice cream and Pitch Perfect!
Completed my teacher education program!

Wednesday morning my group (and all the others) rocked our senior presentation! We then began rotations of feedback for the program (you bet your buns I had quite a lot), resume editing, and mock interviews. After a quick break and some Grey's Anatomy, I headed back to campus for the English Department reception. There was mingling and food and awkwardness (to be expected with all those scholars, haha).  After a lengthy amount of awards and scholarships, the department head, also my advisor, presented me with the Maud Adams Award. This award is given to one undergraduate and graduate student each year, and is voted upon by the entire English department as the "outstanding" program student! What a surprise and wonderful recognition! :)

I closed the night with a little bit of babysitting back at home, and a good sleep in my own bed! Looking forward to relatives arriving and graduation this weekend- I promise to keep you posted! :)

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