Monday, May 12, 2014

SDSU College Graduation!

What a whirlwind weekend!! After finishing up my SDSU classes on Wednesday, I headed home to get ready for graduation and pick up one of my aunts from the airport! After a short but sweet night at home in my own bed, I quickly returned to Brookings one last time as an undergraduate student. Friday was spent with friends and ice cream and movies, which made for the perfect day! Saturday morning we were up bright and early to start getting ready for graduation. My family drove up Saturday morning from Sioux Falls, so I didn't get a chance to see them until lunch time after the ceremony. Speaking of which, let's dive in!

Molly and I spent all morning getting ready at Judy's apartment, and then Judy graciously took (fabulous) photos of us and Shelby!! Here are some of my favorites!

Isn't she wonderfully talented?! After some strategic gown-hanging, we carpooled to the Wellness Center to line up for graduation. Before parting, we took a couple more phone photos (I mean, you know me, the prime documenter!).

SDSU had a mock set up of the arena on the Wellness Center floor, so we quickly found our seats and killed time until the processional began. After filing into the arena, we listened to (brief) speeches and recognitions, and I was pleasantly surprised to be recognized as graduating with honors (Phi Kappa Phi- top 10% of my class), and then recognized again as a completer of the teacher education program! :)

Then began the long list of names being called! The graduates are grouped alphabetically within colleges, so I was towards the beginning of the College of Arts & Sciences list, but about halfway through the ceremony. 

After the ceremony, I quickly ditched my cap and gown to head to lunch with my family! After a delicious gluten free lunch, we headed to a local hotel where my post-graduation reception was held. 


best friend!

literature/book cake!
After a fun-filled afternoon chatting with professors and friends, we caravanned home and spent the evening chatting in the living room. The next day, Mother's Day, all the girls hit the town shopping after a few family pictures (without the dreaded cap and gown) that didn't quite make it the previous day!

I'm wonderfully blessed to be surrounded with love and support- both of which were essential these past four years as I earned my BA in English Education. Thank you to all who have been with me on this journey near and far! :)

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