Monday, August 25, 2014

Dover Updates (& Concerns)

Even though Egypt looks like fun and games, I can assure you I have been quite busy at school! Each day we catch the bus (its more like a large daycare van) at around 7:40am. We arrive at school close to 8:00am and spend until 1:30pm there when the bus come to take us back to Madinaty. Usually in the mornings we have elementary meetings with the supervisor to make sure we're all on the same page with deadlines and everything. After that we are mostly free to work independently unless called into meeting (which happens rather regularly for the expat teachers).

Last week one of my roommates moved out. She was the KG (kindergarten) supervisor and filling in the 4th grade English/Social Studies position until a New Zealand couple arrives in November. No longer living in the apartment or working at the school (unsure if she resigned or was fired, either way I'm not too upset). My other roommate (who taught at Dover last year) is also moving out because she wants to live where she lived last year in Rehab. She has the funds saved to do so, otherwise that's what all of us would be doing. A couple nights ago another expat teacher (grade 7&8 English) quit rather unexpectedly. I will be taking that position (please send prayers to speedy planning on my part) and my old grade 5 English/Social Studies position will be filled by a new teacher from Canada. All that being said, I will have two new roommates before school starts next week. One will be the temporary teacher until November and the other will be the lady taking my job for the full year. They are both young teachers from Canada, so I'm looking forward to having roommates!

As many of you know from lack of contact with me, I am experiencing some less than pleasant emotions about moving to Egypt. The other three new teachers and I met together last night to form a coherent plan to approach our principal. We made a list (I mean, duh, this is me we're talking about!) and reasoned out with a veteran teacher what to bring to the table as make or break issues. We came up with three: 
  1. WiFi internet in our apartments: This is something we were all promised during out interviews and we have yet to receive it. We have bought internet "sticks"- USB's with portable internet connections, but they do not work in our apartments because Madinaty is so far out and not really inhabited right now. Since I've moved here (over 2 weeks) I have only been able to talk to my parents ONCE! That is absolutely not okay. 
  2. Phone connection/service: The girls and I have legitimate safety concerns about being able to contact each other and whoever we need to in case of an emergency. Right now we have spotty service and regularly cannot even send texts to each other let alone make calls. This is worrisome since we live in a brand new place and don't know anyone to ask for help if we cannot contact them quickly.
  3. Living in Madinaty: As mentioned in my previous post, we are living in a city completely different than the one we were promised. Madinaty does not have a legitimate hospital (through there is a 24 hour clinic). There is only one small, overpriced grocery store (that has no gluten free items). Our mall is nearly completely unfinished (a handful of restaurants and specialty shops) without actual shopping stores. We need a cheaper option of transportation that paying for taxis all the time (even between four people these are expensive).
Fingers crossed and prayers sent up that these issues are solved ASAP. We were very clear that should these issues not be resolved, Dover will be losing four very qualified teachers before Christmas break. 

Know that I love and miss all of you dearly! I want to share my experiences as authentically as I'm feeling them, but don't be discouraged. I'm made of strong stuff and know what I will and will not settle for :)

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