Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Ups and Downs of the Week

Many of you are concerned about how the infamous "demands" meeting went- read more here. Though I can't say that all the issues are "resolved" as the clipart suggests, we are well on our way to a better situation.

  1. Internet: Though we do not yet have Wifi, the principal took us all to a new provider (Mobinil) and bought us each personal internet sticks. These works only for our computers, but I have been able to FaceTime home with mom and dad a couple of times without too many issues. I can also browse the web, upload pictures to Facebook and of course update my blog! Mobinil has to send someone to "survey" our area to see if we qualify for a "booster" which, as it's name suggests, boosts an internet signal (specifically WiFi). Until the mysterious survey man arrives, the WiFi has been put on hold. For the time being we have the portable internet sticks which work relatively well. 
  2. Phone service: This has more to do with where we live as opposed to anything else. Within my apartment I can sometimes get phone service when I'm near my window or in the living room by the balcony. As soon as I walk outside to the parking lot, it gets better. We're hoping that as Madinaty becomes more popular and more people move out here, more cell towers will be built.
  3. Living in Madinaty: The school has agreed to rent out a bus to us one day each weekend for us to use to travel. We have some choices on locations and just have to give the school a couple days notice. For example, this weekend we plan to go to City Stars which is a huge mall (even bigger than Tagamoa which I wrote about previously) on Saturday for a movie, shopping, and coffee! The school is also working to get us a membership to the Madinaty Club. The best comparison I could make is like a country club in the U.S. It has rec sports, a big pool, and exercise stuff also. 
my functional USB internet stick
Since moving to Egypt, my stomach problems seem to have multiplied. I know it has a lot to do with adjusting to the new bacteria and food/water, but man is it a bummer! About every other day I'm stuck in the bathroom for what seems like hours (sorry if that's TMI). I've tried a couple different medications so hopefully one starts working soon, that way I can focus on all the other stuff! It is actually rather funny because of course all the other expats know and we talk about it, but every new person I meet at the school also seems to know about my stomach problems! I ran into a lady today who I have literally never seen before and she stopped me and asked "Maggie, how is your stomach today? Are your tummy problems less?" Ha! It's a good thing I'm used to talking about my gastrointestinal issues, otherwise this might be very embarrassing!

Please keep me (and my tummy) in your prayers- I need all the positive energy I can get! :) XOXO

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