Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Flashback: FOCUS presents SEEK2013

Two years ago I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Orlando, Florida over New Years to attend the SEEK 2013 conference put on by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (aka FOCUS). It was a last minute decision shared by one of my Chi Omega sisters. I packed a suitcase and hopped on a LONG bus ride to spend 4 days in sunny Florida.

You can read about some of the highlights and watch videos here. Check out some of my favorite parts below, in pictures :)

arrival and welcome night

walkway between the resort hotels

pontoon boat into Disney

one of many fabulous Catholic talks

my second favorite part: Catholic programming specific to the Greek community

SDSU flag :)

SEEK what moves you

my favorite part: adoration and confession with almost 5,000 students!

Chi Omegas exploring the resort

Jason Evert- one of my favorite speakers (his book How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul rocks)

Catholic Chi Omegas from all over the country :)
I wish I could have spent the past week in Nashville at SEEK 2015, but maybe next time. My next Catholic-related adventure is (fingers crossed) attending World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland! :)

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