Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014: A Year in Review

As I begin 2015 with a full head and heart, I can't help but looking back on 2014 fondly. Here are some highlights, in pictures.

my lifeline this year (Simplified Planner by Emily Ley)

started my semester of student teaching

fell in love with my profession all over again

learned that being a teacher also means being a student

chaperoned the prom

found my FAVORITE pair of shoes ever (Tieks ballet flats)

said goodbye to my students

graduated from college

watched my roommate, sister, and friend get married 

roadtripped to watch another friend get married

shopped my heart out in Minneapolis with my mom

spent the majority of my nanny summer at the zoo

or taking selfies ;)

said "see you later" to my teacher friend as she left for ND

vacationed in Cali and saw all my relatives 

said "see you later" to my family and moved to Egypt

started my teaching career in Egypt

vacationed in Austria

visited the Red Sea

celebrated my 22nd birthday abroad
rode a camel at the Pyramids of Giza

"kissed" the Sphinx

returned to SD, spent time with family, and started substitute teaching
I'm looking forward to what 2015 has in store! Happy New Year! :)

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