Saturday, March 14, 2015

Teaching Tidbits

As another month has gone by, I am mulling over what a great experience substitute teaching can be. Between Sioux Falls and Brandon my work week is consistently about 3-4 days. In these days I am almost always at the high schools, but I do visit the occasional elementary. I have learned SO MUCH from all the classroom "wandering" I've done! I have a little notebook of procedures and classroom ideas that work really well so I can incorporate them into my own classroom next year! For example, I'm an avid lover of Google Drive, but it can get to be a little messy having assignments everywhere on it (not to mention all the emails about submissions and edits). One teacher at SF Lutheran uses Google Classroom, which is similar to Edmodo. What I really like about Google classroom is the ability to have it sync to your Drive in an orderly fashion; you never have to go searching for assignments because Google Classroom sorts them for you!

Another great resource that I've used in the past for ideas is Teachers Pay Teachers. This website has a multitude of ideas and handouts and presentations for every subject every and every grade level! A veritable treasure trove for teachers! (say that 5 times fast)

I hope you find these resources as helpful as I do! As of now, all of the SF suburb schools have posted their openings and all of my application materials are in their systems. Most of these have a closing date within the next week or so. That means within the next two weeks I will (hopefully!) be a busy bee interviewing for next year! Wish me luck :)

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