Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Professional Development Part 1: Project Based Learning

Hi friends! Summer is off to a great start! I've been nannying 3 days a week and working on school-related things the other 2 days.

Last week I attended a great 2 day seminar on Project Based Learning at New Technology High School in Sioux Falls. This high school is part of a larger New Tech "network" which has schools all over the U.S. that exclusively use PBL in their day to day operations. You can read more about the program here.

Overall this was one of the best professional development workshops I'd ever been to! I learned a ton, and had dedicated planning time during the workshop to make real lessons for next year! A definite win in my book :)

You can view this google site to read/download all the resources from the course! Woohoo! Free learning!

The project I worked on creating is called "Native American Culture and Traditions: What's Going on Today?" for my English 11 classes. You can read my "entry document" which I'll give to students on the first day of the unit below.

Dear English 11 students,
                   Every year, with this year as the debut, English 11 students will create resolution proposals regarding the Keystone XL pipeline controversy. We will use various strategies like reading, writing, and speaking strategies to fully delve into Native American literature, traditions, culture, and how outside influences can have very personal impacts. We will spend time reflecting on each step of the process and use critical friends to both hold each other accountable to best practices, as well as offer new ideas and suggestions to each other. We will also incorporate new technologies and research methods to broaden our horizons. Each group will have members responsible for certain items regarding the resolution proposal.
                   This year, near the end of the project, we will host Dr. Charles Woodard, an accomplished English professor from South Dakota State University, to discuss his part in N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain and discuss the Keystone XL pipeline controversy. After these discussions, you as a group will have the opportunity to adjust your resolution proposals as you see fit, or fine tune any last minute items before presenting these to the forum (your class). Each class will have a top resolution proposal, and these top proposals will be presented to tribal leaders and legislators.
                   Please submit by email by October 29th the following items:
·       Graphic organizer (using piktochart.com) about animals/what they represent
·       Man to Send Rain Clouds types of conflict notes
·       Keystone XL pipeline resolution proposal
Rules for submission:
·       Each group will submit the 3 aforementioned items.
·       The Keystone XL resolution proposal should follow the model provided.
·       All submitted items should be clearly labeled with group member’s names and free from error.
·       Group members must abide by their group contract.
 Email your final submissions to me by 5pm on Thursday October 29th.
 This is your chance to create a personalized resolution proposal that authentically connects the Native American literature, traditions, and culture we study in English 11 to the real-world controversy surrounding the Keystone XL pipeline. Don’t forget that the top proposals will be presented to tribal leaders and legislators; be sure your work is exemplary!

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