Monday, January 6, 2014

"Miss Bryant?" Who, me?!

My final semester of college I will be student teaching in the English and Spanish departments at a nearby high school to complete my English Education degree! (location undisclosed for privacy purposes)

Let's hope so!
I spent last Thursday and Friday attending the inservice days provided by the school district getting to know my teachers and the building itself. For me, teacher inservice days have always been this mysterious concept where students (myself included) thought that teachers wandered around in their pajamas having a grand old time while all the students were gone. Sadly, this was not the case (though I still hold onto that fond, yet silly dream). Instead I spent Thursday rotating from station to station filled with professional development resources. Included were Google Drive, Live, Binder, Edumoto, SmartRecorder, Web 2.0, Tablet Basics, and much more. Talk about a whirlwind day of information!

Friday I split my time between my two cooperating teachers getting set up in their rooms and planning out the semester. Much of their planning was already done since it's midway through the school year, so I spent most of my time catching up and asking questions. I exclusively get to plan and teach a unit to each of their classes, which I'm both excited and nervous about! For English 10 I'm teaching Night by Elie Wiesel and for Honors 10 I'm teaching Frankenstein! I'll also work into teaching Spanish 1 and English 12, but not planning as heavily for those by myself (more of a co-teaching model).

Students return next week, and the real fun begins! Stay tuned for what's starting out to be an interesting semester!

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