Monday, January 6, 2014


Well as excited as I was for my first day at the high school with actual students, Mother Nature decided to intervene...

School was cancelled today for "dangerous wind chills". Keeping bundled up and warm inside my house, I instead dug into the mountain of coursework SDSU assigned for Christmas Break (please note the slightly bitter tone). Flipping between reading and reflecting all day made me even more anxious to start school tomorrow!

Though I've heard from many previous student teachers how tough but rewarding this semester will be, I'm still anxious to find my rhythm and teaching style. Nearly all of my classes thus far have prepared me only in theory- while this is valuable, it does not necessarily qualm my fears for the semester... Over the years I've spent a substantial amount of money on books related to teaching. A couple of them in particular have been crossing my mind more and more as tomorrow approaches:

If you have some spare time (what's that?) on your hands and fancy some education-oriented literature, I'd recommend all of the above! Seeing as how my alarm is set for a painfully early 5:00am wake up call, I'd best be heading to bed!

Wish me luck on my first day tomorrow! :)

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