Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crafty Projects: Part 2

Now here is where my real artistic abilities can shine!! ;) I decided that instead of buying something for each of my cooperating teachers, I would make something! Specifically, a canvas with a teacher quote. I hope that they like them, and that when I come back to visit (DUH), I'll see them hanging in their rooms :)

Americana acrylic paints: Hobby Lobby
Assorted paint brushes: Wal-Mart

Glitter: Wal-mart
Modge Podge sealant spray: Hobby Lobby
  • Canvas, whatever size you like (I bought two from Hobby Lobby on sale)
  • Acrylic paints
  • Paint brushes
  • Glitter
  • Sealant spray
To begin, I used my respective color palettes (red/orange/yellow and green/blue/purple) individually. I decided to paint a background of various sized polka dots. Starting with red, I covered my canvas.

 Next, I washed out my brush and began to add in the orange polka dots.

Yellow polka dots were next in line!

From there I went back with each of the colors and filled up more of my white space. A more experienced artist might not have needed this step, but I'm quite the newbie! After some extra polka dots in all three colors, I came to this!

Last is to of course add the quote! I chose two different quotes (one for each cooperating teacher) that I found on Pinterest. After painting the words on, I decided that a little glitter would add some pizazz to my gifts! I randomly used red and purple glitter to decorate various polka dots on each canvas. After letting them dry and shaking off the excess glitter, I took the canvases into the garage and sprayed the Modge Podge sealant on for a glossy finish. Here are my finished products!

"A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where her influence stops"

"A teacher inspires confidence, ignites dreams, and creates futures"
I'm one of those people that LOVES giving gifts, so I'll let you know how it goes on Wednesday when I give them to my cooperating teachers! :)

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