Saturday, October 4, 2014

Adjusting to a New City: Ups and Downs

As I mentioned in my last post, Jayde and I struggled when we first arrived at the airport exchanging money. We needed euros ASAP because our dollars wouldn't do us any good as we tried to get a train ticket or possibly a cab to our B&B. I knew that we wouldn't get the best rate at the airport, but since we arrived at night the banks were all closed. Jayde and I went to different windows to speed up the process and ended up getting different amounts of euros even though we exchanged at the same rate! 

Our first morning in Vienna we spent the morning slowing getting ready and orienting ourselves to our B&B. Around 10am we wandered down the main road to scope out a bakery, coffee shop, and grocery store. We were quite successful! Then we began the short 5 minute walk to Belvedere Palace. Though we only toured the gardens and grounds, it was a magnificent morning!

 We then faced another transportation struggle as we attempted to find a cute cafe I read about online. We got onto 2 different busses (which were actually the same route) and then a tram going the wrong way before we figured out the route we needed! Needless to say it was nice to get to the Blue Orange cafe and enjoy our bagel sandwiches (mine was deliciously gluten free)! We then sat and utilized free wifi before making a short trip to Natschmarkt. Jayde and I both bought 2 beautiful scarves each and eyed all the shops and stands as well as the many restaurants. We decided to head back to our flat after a quick grocery stop and relax from our first day of exploration! 

Tonight Jayde and I are planning to visit a nearby pub and drink in a little local culture! We're both already in love with Austria :) 

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