Monday, October 6, 2014

City Center: Take 1

After another slow moving morning, Jayde and I decided to finally venture into the city center to explore. We stopped for a (bad) cappuccino on the way to grab the tram. The short ride into the city center showed us more and more elegant buildings, and we hopped off without looking at our map. We wandered in what felt like the right direction until we stumbled upon some beautiful buildings that told us we were heading the right way. 

We found a side/back entrance to the Imperial/Hofburg Palace and a library. Unfortunately this wasn't the correct entrance to the beautiful library I've been pining over, so we're saving that for another day. We bought tickets to tour the silver collection, Sisi museum, and the imperial apartments. The coolest part was actually the silver collection where we could actually take pictures of all the grandeur. 

Though most of the city center shopping was closed due to it being Sunday, we definitely plan to come back again because the shops look wonderful! Of course there are a lot of high end stores like Tiffany & Co, Armani, Chanel, Hermes, etc. But there were also some affordable stores that we will absolutely hit up later in the week. We spent the next while in search of Coffeshop Company, a tasty restaurant in Cairo that is actually based in Vienna. Unfortunately we were very disappointed to find they did not serve any food like we thought, only drinks and snacks. After this long trek, we found a sports bar/grill attached to the Marriott hotel for which we waited about 20 minutes on a park bench as it did not open until 1pm. My bacon cheeseburger and French fries were absolutely delicious, and we talked to some nice gentlemen from Philadelphia who were at a conference for the weekend. 

Upon a short tram ride back to the city center, we bopped into St. Stephen's cathedral for a quick peek- it did not disappoint!! 

After a long day of walking and touring, we decided to head back to the flat and relax. That evening we tried (and failed miserably) to order a nice glass of dessert wine at a couple of places. Jayde and I were not impressed. 

It'll definitely be worth visiting a nice wine shop, doing a tasting, and spending a little extra to know exactly what we're buying! As tired as we were, we both talked with a couple people at home on the wifi before watching a little bit of Pitch Perfect and falling asleep! All in all a good day, even with the snafus ;) 

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