Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Salzburg Day Trip

Since Jayde has never ridden on a train, we knew a day trip to another city in Austria was a must! We decided on Salzburg due to recommendations from others and time constraints. Since we've paid for the entire time at our B&B already, we wanted to make sure we wouldn't get back too late into Vienna. 

We grabbed the tram right outside our flat to take us to the Westbahnhof train station. From there we found a little Tabak (tobacco) shop to buy our tickets to Salzburg (only €19 one way)!  Vanilla chai lattes in hand, we boarded and settled into our top deck seats to enjoy the 2.5 hour scenic train ride. 

Upon arrival in Salzburg, we began walking towards the Mirabell garden for a little stroll. We then headed across the river to Old Town. Map stowed away, we wandered finding little gems all on our own! Once lunchtime rolled around, we tried (and failed) to eat at Zwettlers, a typical Austrian restaurant which specializes in gluten free. The little sign on the door said "closed October 6-7, just our luck! :( Instead we found a busy little cafe bursting with locals, a sure sign of good food. Jayde and I both enjoyed some typical Austrian food, both of our choices delicious! 

The last real item on the itinerary was to get up to castle/fortress overlooking the city. We found some cute street shops to purchase new rings and ice cream before boarding the "death tram" to the top (not nearly as traumatic as it sounds, I promise). WHAT A STUNNING VIEW! Pictures absolutely cannot capture the beauty, but they sure do look good!! ;)

After taking the tram down the hill again, we found a bus to get ourselves back to the train station to catch the 4:50pm train back to Vienna. Jayde and I comfortably rode back enjoying the free wifi and our music! Upon arriving back at the Westbahnhof train station, we stumbled upon the biggest boot store I've ever seen in my entire life!!! Rows and rows and shelves and shelves of beautiful boots! I've been keeping an eye out the past couple days for ankle boots, and I had too many choices! I eventually decided on a cute black pair, but we might have to go back again!! All in all, an absolutely successful adventure :)

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